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Is Your Organic Meat Actually Grassfed?

When we go to the grocery store, we’re constantly being overwhelmed with buzzwords and messaging on our food. 

Words like:

•“Free Range”

•“Cage Free”


•and “Grass-Fed”

What do these terms really mean and are they actually important? 

We all want to buy food that we feel good about eating, but can we ensure quality with all the different options out there? I think the best way is to know the environment that your meat was raised in. 

I believe that the most important aspect of eat meat is whether it’s pasture raised or not. Pasture raised means that the animal was raised outside with full access to fresh grasses and feed where they aren’t overcrowded or treated inhumanely. 

Organic does not guarantee that the animal is raised on pasture. 

A lot of so-called Organic chicken is actually just raised in a giant chicken barn while the birds are fed Organic feed. Grass-fed also does not guarantee it. A common practice for beef is to finish the animal on grain the last few months. An important distinction for beef is asking if it grass-fed AND Grass-Finished. 

Does this matter though? I think so. Pasture raised meat is shown to be more nutrient dense than non-pastured raised. 

Studies have shown that eggs and meat raised on pasture are higher in vitamins found in plants and important healthy fats. When you eat pasture raised meats you are consuming more nutrients and getting more…

How an animal is raised can also make a huge difference in the quality of the meat. Meat will also take on the flavor of the environment its raised in. 

For poultry this means that eggs and chickens raised on pasture every day will have access to more micronutrients. This will result in more flavor in both the meat and eggs. For beef this means that a deeper, leaner flavor will be present when an animal is grass-fed its entire life. 

How can you navigate these terms? I believe that the best way is to buy from a local farmer who is doing things the right way. Ask them what they feed and how they raise their animals. 

Are they on pasture being moved around? 

Or are they confined? 

If they’re doing it the right way, they will love to tell you about it! At Alden Hills we believe that healthy food comes from healthy animals. We move our animals every day to fresh pasture. 

All of our meats are certified Organic because we believe it’s important to ensure that only every step of the process is free from contamination.

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