Save 5% off + Ground Beef for life when you Subscribe and Save!

Subscribe and Save

Save 5% + Free Item for Life!

Subscribe and Save is a program that allows you to make any order a recurring order. Subscribe and Save offers some great benefits:

  • 5% off all subscription orders
  • 1 FREE item for the lifetime of your subscription (Ground Beef or Chicken Drumsticks). Free item may change and can be selected at checkout
  • No contracts or cancellation fees
  • Total flexibility to add or remove items from the subscription order at any time
  • Skip or reschedule orders for when its convenient for you
  • Choose how often you'd like to receive your order... weekly, every 2 weeks, every 3 weeks or monthly

Please note: All subscription orders still must meet minimum order requirements. If we are out of a specific product that you have in subscription we will reach out about a replacement item or swap in an identical Wisconsin Meadows product if applicable.